by Discount Bluehost


Through this page as well as through our social media accounts on Facebook and Twitter, we will keep you up-to-date on the most recent developments. Thus if you are interested in learning more about the project The Faces of Margraten, please come back to this page or follow our Facebook and Twitter accounts.

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More support for The Faces of Margraten

Published: Saturday, December 20 2014

The Stichting Verenigde Adoptanten Amerikaanse Oorlogsgraven (The Foundation United Adopters American War Graves), which organizes The Faces of Margraten project, is excited to announce that three new partners have announced their support for the project. The Stichting Elisabeth Strouven and the Stichting Kanunnik Salden Nieuwenhof have announced a funding grant in support of the efforts to decorate the graves and names on the Walls of the Missing of the 10,023 U.S. soldiers buried in or memorialized at the Netherlands American War Cemetery and Memorial. Communication consultant Esther Saris of Est.21 sponsors the project by voluntarily offering her expertise to work on the communication strategy of the project.

Read more: More support for The Faces of Margraten

U.S. Embassy The Hague and Rabobank announce support

Published: Thursday, October 23 2014

Both the U.S. Embassy in The Hague, the Netherlands and Rabobank Centraal Zuid-Limburg have recently announced their support for The Faces of Margraten project. Both will contribute financially to the efforts to give a face to the names of as many American WWII soldiers buried in or memorialized at the American War Cemetery and Memorial Netherlands in Margraten as possible. At this moment, of approximately 2,700 soldiers a personal photo is available, which will all be put at the graves of these soldiers or next to their names at the Walls of the Missing at the American War Cemetery in Margraten from May 2-5, 2015.

Read more: U.S. Embassy The Hague and Rabobank announce support

The Faces of Margraten from May 2-5, 2015

Published: Monday, September 29 2014

After earlier this year the project The Faces of Margraten, which aims to give a face to all of the 10,023 U.S. WWII soldiers buried in or memorialized at the American Cemetery in Margraten, the Netherlands, was announced, now also the dates for the project are known. From May 2-5, 2015 the crosses and the names on the Walls of the Missing of a several thousand soldiers will be decorated with a personal photo. In this way, Dutch citizens will give a face to their U.S. liberators as a unique tribute to their sacrifices. The most recent count revealed that for 2,644 soldiers a personal photo is available at the moment. The exact program during these days will be announced at a later moment in time.

Read more: The Faces of Margraten from May 2-5, 2015

Municipality of Eijsden-Margraten supports The Faces of Margraten

Published: Tuesday, August 26 2014

The municipality of Eijsden-Margraten supports The Faces of Margraten project. The local administration has granted the project funding in support of efforts to give a face to as many of the 10,023 American World War II soldiers buried or memorialized in the town of Margraten, the Netherlands as possible. This effort will be made in a period in which the Netherlands celebrates and commemorates the 70th anniversary of its liberation. "We are very grateful for the municipality's support," says chairman Sebastiaan Vonk of the Foundation United Adopters American War Graves. "It brings us closer to a successful realization of this project."

Read more: Municipality of Eijsden-Margraten supports The Faces of Margraten

Second balance: face given to 2,451 American soldiers buried in the Netherlands

Published: Friday, July 04 2014

A new counting has shown that personal photos are available of 2,451 American soldiers buried in the American War Cemetery in the Dutch village of Margraten. In the past two months, 224 new photos of soldiers buried in or memorialized at the cemetery were found and submitted, partly as result of the regional interest for the project The Faces of Margraten around Memorial Day this May. Currently, one about one out of every four soldiers buried in the cemetery a personal photo is available. These American liberators will be finally given a face 70 years after the end of World War II.

Read more: Second balance: face given to 2,451 American soldiers buried in the Netherlands


Would you like to contribute to keeping the memory alive? By donating just 12.50 dollars, you will enable us to give a face to one soldier. You can directly donate 12.50 dollars via your credit card or PayPal by clicking the button below. Click here if you want to read more or donate another amount. Thank you for your support!
